Site Advisory Council

The Site Advisory Council serves as an important parent and parish member body for feedback and consultation for the St. John Paul II Classical School headmaster, the GRACE system president and GRACE trustees. The Site Advisory Council is comprised of parents, teachers, and parish member volunteers. The council’s primary responsibility is to meet site-based fundraising requirements. All matters, activities and decisions will be aligned with the school’s mission statement and vision. The Site Advisory Council is not responsible for direct day-to-day school operations or the final decisions on school or GRACE policy.
The structure of the Site Advisory Council is as follows:
- The Chairperson implements and leads all initiatives of the council, presides over all meetings, and serves as a liaison for the headmaster. The term for this position is one year.
- The Vice Chair serves a one-year term and assumes the duties of the Chairperson when that person is unavailable. The Vice Chair serves as the liaison to the school’s parish council and to tuition assistance and stewardship/fundraising committees.
- The Secretary records the meeting minutes, emails minutes for approval to the committee and then sends approved minutes to the GRACE president, Site Advisory Council and school website.
- The Treasurer oversees all deposits into and withdrawals from the school’s GRACE fundraising accounts, ensures all payments to GRACE are made on a timely basis, presents at each Site Advisory Council meeting in writing all monthly and year-to-date summaries of the school’s GRACE restricted and unrestricted funds. The fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.
- All Site Advisory Council members will serve a three-year term unless noted. Vacancies will be announced in March to the community. Any council member can be nominated for a position within the Executive Council unless their term has been completed. Previous Site Advisory Council experience is recommended for the chairperson and treasurer positions. New placements will be decided in April at the council meeting. New members will attend the May and June Site Advisory Council meetings before taking office in July. If you are interested in serving on the council or have any questions, please contact the Chairperson.
SAC Meeting Minutes
- June ’21
- July ’21
- August ’21
- September ’21
- October ’21
- November ’21
- December ’21
- January ’22
- February ’22
- March ’22
- April ’22
- May ’22
- July ’22
- August ’22
- September ’22
- October ’22
- November ’22
- December ’22