Classical Pedagogy

Classical Pedagogy

Classical Pedagogy

One often will hear the word “pedagogy” in educational circles. This term is often used to describe the overall philosophy of an academic institution. If one is studying to be a teacher, they often will take a course in pedagogy.

However, if we look more closely at the true meaning of this word, we will find that it comes from two Greek words: Paidos (child) and Agagos (leader). Therefore when we speak of pedagogy in a school, we are referring to the actual method by which we lead the children. 

St. John Paul II Classical School employs a pedagogy that is classical in nature. Click here to see some guiding pedagogical principles that we use daily throughout the building. This specific form of pedagogy helps us to lead students to a deeper understanding of the good, true and beautiful. It also helps to truly build faith, virtue, and wisdom.

To see some of these pedagogical principles in action, click here.