Senior Rome Pilgrimage

Every year the senior class will get the opportunity to attend a pilgrimage to Rome. The Chesterton Schools Network 2025 pilgrimage is particularly special because it will not be repeated for another 25 years! Next year we are joining tens of millions of Catholics on pilgrimage to Rome for the 2025 Jubilee, an event that regularly takes place every quarter of a century. The Jubilee Year presents each pilgrim with the opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence as they pass through the Holy Doors of the Papal Basilicas of Rome. Indeed, we will go one step further and celebrate daily Mass in these great churches, offering our prayers and desires to God and asking the intercession of His saints and martyrs laid to rest in these very places. This is an experience that will remain with each pilgrim forever.

Please join us in praying for our senior as they prepare their hearts, minds, and body:

Lord, we pray for the upcoming Rome pilgrimage of our senior class and their chaperones. Lord, be their guide and their protector on the journey they are about to take. Watch over them. Protect them from accidents. Keep them free from harm to body and soul. Lord, support them with Your grace when they are tired. Help them be patient in any trouble which may come their way. Keep them always mindful of Your presence and love. Lord may this pilgrimage further nurture their fellowship as they see each other as brothers and sisters sharing the journey to your blessed kingdom.  And Lord during this pilgrimage grant them the graces to cultivate a life of prayer that draws them closer to you and deepens their relationship with you. Amen.

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.


Headmaster Spotlight

Thank you, Mr. McKeown!

Classical education always seeks what is good, true, and beautiful, recognizing that God is truly at the center of everything. Mankind’s first sin was one of pride, putting himself before God. Indeed, this sin continues into modern times and only changes with external circumstances. St. John Paul II Classical School recognizes that as humans, we are part of the great story of which God is the ultimate author. Our curriculum therefore reflects this fact, and our staff joyfully helps to deliver this to our students. The teaching method employed is one that the Church has used and perfected through the ages, all geared toward bringing our students to sainthood.

At Chesterton Academy of St. John Paul II Classical School, we embrace our motto Cultura Vitae, the culture of life. In this way, we heed Christ’s call to have our fullest life in Him. This intentional joy for life and learning is imbued in our classical curriculum with a strong emphasis on the development of Christian virtues and an appreciation of beauty. We create environments where students experience the joy of community and the discovery process, providing them with an opportunity to live out their spiritual lives in an atmosphere of joy and fun. Our curriculum is centered on skills seemingly forgotten in our modern society – reading, writing, oral presentations, and the development of critical reasoning skills through logic and philosophy.

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.

SJPII Gym Project Meeting

Final approvals for starting our gym project have happened. SJPII and CA parents and stakeholders are invited to our info meeting. Check the Angelus and/or Nuntia for details about the meeting. We hope to see you all there!

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.

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Teacher Spotlight

Miss Blair joined the faculty at St. John Paul II Classical School this year and has brought a ray of sunshine to her 5th grade classroom and the whole school! She shines with the light of Christ, and her positivity is contagious. She guides her students with love and is truly invested in their well-being and education.

Thank you, Miss Blair, for sharing your talents and bright smile with the students and families of St. John Paul II!

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.

32nd Annual Golden Apple Awards

The Golden Apple Awards Nomination List is out. Congratulations to our teachers who were nominated by our families and students. We thank all of our teachers at St. John Paul II Classical School and Chesterton Academy for their commitment to our school.

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.

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Volunteer Spotlight

GRACE is happy to share another Volunteer Spotlight!

Today, we are honored to recognize Mrs, Shelly Coyle as an outstanding volunteer. Shelly was presented with this award at a Mass on December 19th.

Shelly is a familiar and beloved face at St. John Paul II Classical School and Chesterton Academy of St. John Paul II Classical School. She is a mother of four, and her two youngest daughters attend Chesterton. As a part of the initial parent group that helped found the elementary and high school, Shelly has participated in many aspects of the school since – as a classroom teacher, office sub, and an outstanding volunteer for any and every role. No matter what needs may arise, Shelly is always willing to give of her time and talents–which are many!

Headmaster Patrick McKeown stated, “Mrs. Coyle is certainly a servant’s servant, providing her expertise and wisdom whenever asked as well as looking for ways to creatively be of use and purpose. She is an invaluable member of our school community!”

Thank you, Mrs. Coyle!

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.

A Special Edition of GRACE News

This edition highlights our Catholic classical high school – Chesterton Academy of St. John Paul II Classical School.  We are pleased to showcase our high school which is now fully in place offering grades 9 through 12 with our first graduating class set to commence in May 2025.

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.

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Two Wings Gala

Benefitting St. John Paul II Classical School and Chesterton Academy of SJPII

Save the Date! Tickets are on sale now. Purchase them while they are available.

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.

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A Man for All Seasons

Presented by the Chesterton Academy of St. John Paul II Junior Class

Our second play of the school year will be “A Man for All Seasons.” The junior class will be presenting at our Wojtyla Theater Stage on the following dates:

  • January 17, 2025 at 6:00 pm
  • January 18, 2025 at 1:00 pm
  • January 18, 2025 at 6:30 pm

Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students. We hope to see you all there!

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.

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An Inside look in the Atrium

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a distinct approach to the religious formation of the child. It takes place in the Atrium — where a child can fall in love with God.

Every year we are invited to slow down and ponder the great gift and mystery of the Incarnation during the seasons of Advent and Christmas. This time allows us to ask some of the great questions of humanity: “Who are you, Lord?” and “Who am I?” Click HERE to read more! If you would like to observe the children working in the Atrium, please contact Miss Johns,

St. John Paul II Catholic School and Chesterton Academy are of the Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) School System. They are private Catholic schools serving Preschool and Elementary through high school, adding one grade per year. They have with open enrollment and provide an individualized education in a faith-based environment. Each child is supported not only academically, but spiritually. Learn more by scheduling a visit.