


St. John Paul II Classical School has three main fundraisers throughout the year. We encourage parent assistance for these events. They include the Walk for Virtue (fall), Calendar Raffle (winter) and the Gala (spring).

Walk for Virtues: October 14th, 2022

St. John Paul II Classical School Walk for Virtues is a fun, faith-filled morning and fundraiser event that raises money for our school while promoting Christian virtues within our community! Each class will be asking for pledges and then walking in honor of a specific virtue:

EC and Kindergarten: Faith
First Grade: Hope
Second Grade: Charity
Third Grade: Prudence
Fourth Grade: Justice
Fifth Grade: Fortitude
Sixth Grade: Temperance,
Seventh Grade: Humility
Eighth Grade: Perseverance

As in the past, we will pray and walk for the virtues above. The students will be learning about their class virtue leading up to the event. After they complete the walk, the students will have a snack and recess at the park before returning to the school.

Playground Construction Project – Phases #2 (Rain Garden & Shrine) and  #3 (Swing Set Addition) – Summer 2023

The current playground for children enrolled in Early Childhood through Third Grade at St. John Paul II Classical School is an open space of approximately 19,000 square feet on the grounds of St. Philip the Apostle Parish fronting Victoria Street. Phase 1 of the playground (installation of perimeter fencing, playground equipment  & landscaping was completed in summer 2022. Fundraising for phase #2 ( rain garden addition and Marian shrine improvements) and phase #3 (swing set addition) has been completed and will be completed in summer 2023.

Thank you to all donors for your continued support and creating a playground with play opportunities that support the school’s educational goals, as well as create an environment, with opportunities for active play, imaginative play, sensory play, and creative play, that inspires children to appreciate the virtues of the school’s namesake, St. John Paul II, and his love of nature and the outdoors. 

Two Wings Gala – Friday, April 28th, 2023

Join us in celebrating the truth, beauty and goodness of classical Catholic Education at our largest fundraising event of the year! Come celebrate and support our efforts in raising saints for the future of the Church and the world! The year’s event will be held at the beautiful Ledgecrest Reserve in De Pere, WI. 

Save the Date

Friday, April 28, 2023
Ledgecrest Reserve
2200 Dickinson Road
De Pere, WI 54115

Semi-Formal/Formal Attire Required

Tickets and Sponsorships

All tickets are now on sale through April 10th, 2023. Includes a delicious buffet-style dinner catered from Runaway Spoon and a special selection of beverages and cocktails are included from 5-7 PM.  

Tickets can be purchased here or by contacting the SJPII School Office.

Individual Tickets: $65 | Couples Tickets: $130 | Reserved Tables of 8: $500 | Sponsored Reserved Tables of 8: $750

Corporate and Individual Sponsorships Available– all sponsorships include a table of 8 for the event.

Venerable Sponsorship: $1,200 | Hospitality Sponsorship: $1,750 | Blessed Sponsorship: $2,500 | Saint Sponsorship: $4,000


4:30 PM – Doors Opens / Registration
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM –
Sponsored Cocktails
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM –
7:00 PM –
Featured Presentation
7:30 PM –
Oral Auction
8:00 PM –
Silent Auction Closes / Checkout